Monday, August 27

August 26 - September 1

I have plenty of tomatoes these days, so let me know if you'd like some. I've got some cabbages that are ready, and sweet basil this week too.

The heat has taken its toll on some plants, like the summer squash, but I've been replanting, so I may be able to squeeze in another crop of squash. I've also planted a lot more lettuce, some more cucumbers, cabbage, etc. Some of the lettuce I planted early in the month just hasn't germinated well because of how hot the soil has been, but our luck will hopefully be better this week now that some of the edge is gone from all that heat we've had!

I'm putting together a brief questionnaire to (hopefully) include with next week's posting, to get some feedback from everyone. It is about time to start planning for next year, so I'm interested to hear what you all are thinking.

Squashes and Pumpkins
5.00 - Charisma Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins (14-18 lbs)
0.75/lb - 'Sunshine' Kabocha Squash - abt. 4-5 lbs, very smooth, sweet flesh

0.50/lb - green cabbage, about 2-4lbs each

1.00/lb - red, yellow, orange (med-large)
1.50/pint - red cherry tomatoes
1.75/pint - tomatilloes

1.00/lb - lemon cucumbers

1.00 - half-dozen sweet banana peppers
1.00 - half-dozen hot peppers

1.00 - Sweet Basil

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