Monday, August 20

August 19-25

Greetings from Forest Creek!

Our irrigation is working again, which is important as I continue to plant new seeds even though there hasn't been any rain.

We are getting a lot of tomatoes these days, and are also in good supply of peppers and winter squashes. Running low on the summer squash due to the heat, which keeps the fruit from setting. we'll see what happens this week though.

Squashes and Pumpkins
5.00 - Charisma Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins (14-18 lbs)
0.75/lb - Spaghetti Squash
0.75/lb - Acorn Squash
0.75/lb - Buttercup Squash
0.75/lb - 'Sunshine' Kabocha Squash - abt. 4-5 lbs, orange flesh good for baking or for pies (skin color is also bright orange); see

1.00/lb - red, yellow, orange (med-large)
1.50/pint - red cherry tomatoes
1.75/pint - tomatilloes

1.00/lb - lemon cucumbers

1.00 - two dozen sweet banana peppers
1.00 - two dozen hot peppers

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