Sunday, April 28

Looking Forward to the Coming Season!

As several folks have mentioned, we haven't posted in quite some time!!
Well, we are still here and are looking forward to the market season opening this week.  You can find us this year at the Flat Rock Tailgate Market on Thursdays from 3-6, and at the Saluda Tailgate Market on Fridays from 4:30-6:30.

Yes, so much has changed since last year's post!  Among them...

*Simon is so much bigger!  He catches on very quickly to many things.  I think some of his favorite things are  weeding, watering, dropping rocks into the creek, and getting to play anywhere around water or mud!  It will be very interesting to see how the markets go this year with him a whole year older.  Did his market career really begin at 4 months?   Wow!

*We bought a nice little used tractor this spring, and have been enjoying getting it going and using it to till, mow, grade and...we've got so many more plans for it!

*of note...We will be able to accept debit/credit payments this year at the market!  I will be using the Square Register, a little white card reader you may have seen at some fine local shops.  We are pretty excited - I have tested it out on our own debit cards for a trial run...Anthony will be glad when I can take it to the market and quit using it on his (heheh).

Our latest addition, the Tractor!!!

This year's early spring garden

For many small farmers, it is necessary for one or more family members to hold other jobs in order to make ends meet.  Here is Simon taking a break from planting to wear his 'Hole Inspections' hat, and he is doing an awesome job of supervising!

Simon, walking through the blueberries this spring. 

It just wouldn't be possible without our friends and volunteers!  Here, Phyllis is helping inoculate poplar logs with oyster mushroom spawn one rainy day on the porch.  Should be ready for harvest in a few months!