Monday, July 16

July 15 - 21 produce

Greetings from Forest Creek!

This week, I am in the process of clearing out and preparing room for a good fall garden, so am in short supply of some items this week. Blackberries and squash are my mainstays this week. Last week I was able to pick about 1/3 bushel of squash (first strong week of production), a bit less than a quarter bushel of zuchinni. The zephyr squash is new to me this year and other growers and I find it more sweet and tender than regular crookneck squash; it is interesting looking, too, with a green blossom end. Herbs are bunched, and are somewhat limited in availability. Blackberries should still be going this week; I picked nearly 10 pints last week with ripe ones still on the vines and plenty of red ones left for this week.

A couple notes, just for kicks, as I get more organized about things: My main harvest day is Wednesday for the Tryon market, it helps if I can get your orders by Wednesday noon, so I can pull out whatever you'd like. We can take cash, check, or paypal payments to

As always, let me know if you'd like anything!


3.50 wild blackberries -- 1 pint

1.00 half-dozen sweet banana peppers
1.00 half-dozen hot peppers, planted from a mixed seed packet: jalepeno, one long and skinny type, and one type for stuffing (not exactly sure of these other names)

1.00 half-dozen summer squash – straightneck, yellow crookneck and zephyr

0.50 zuchinni (each) -- yellow or green

0.75 bunched herbs: parsely, thyme, lemon basil, marjoram, or chives

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