Tuesday, February 3

the new year is well underway!

It was supposed to be cloudy ALL day yesterday for groundhog day, according to the forecasts, but I've heard rumors the groundhog saw his shadow and thinks there'll be more winter. But what do groundhogs know? I'm feeling like spring is just around the corner regardless...

We are already planting things in our rented greenhouse space, are exploring new sales outlets (more on that later), and trying to get a few things set up at the farm to help things run more smoothly during the busy season. I have to say my neigbor Mary deserves her fair share of credit. She's been helping out with the work, and is part of the planning too! If you haven't had the pleasure of meeting her yet, perhaps you'll see her at a few of the markets this year. If you buy any cut flowers from us, you may be interested to know they'll be mostly from her yard this year. We're planning for a decent sized cut flower garden over her way...

Market notes: Just got word the Flat Rock Tailgate Market opens May 7th this year, the first Thursday in May. Looking foward to seeing you there!

In other notes: I'm renovating the website a bit, and hoping to expand its usefulness beyond the produce lists. Probably said this last year too, but I really do hope to post more recipes and menu ideas. I also plan to put up general announcements that might be of interest, especially for local workshops and seminars, and perhaps public food safety notices.

I'll still be keeping the email list going. If you'd like to receive a brief notice when the website is updated, or if you'd like to decline the email alerts, please let me know and I'll take care of it right away.

Stay warm!

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