Friday, October 10

October 15

Hi folks!

Still got lots of butternut. We're doing a special deal this month where a half-bushel (abt 25 pounds) is $20, and a bushel for $35. That comes out to about a 20% discount off the regular $1.00/pound price. Let me know ahead of time, and I'll set aside a basket just for you. Let your friends know, and I'd be happy to meet them for a delivery!

There are three weeks left at the Flat Rock Tailgate Market! The season's dwindling a bit, but there is still plenty going on at the market. October 30 is dress-up day for us vendors, an end of season/halloween party.

I'll still be at Raymonds Garden Center on Mondays, as long as the produce holds out. We've got beets and turnips growing fine in the ground, collards and kale, squash, a few apples left, and more vinegars and salads on the way.

Have a great week!

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