Apples should be planted in pairs, and you need at least two different varieties within 50 feet of each other to ensure adequate pollination. The Golden Delicious is an exception to this rule, as it is self-pollinating.
The trees we have are currently about 4 feet tall. They mature between 16 and 20 feet, and will be easier to manage in the home orchard than full-sized trees. I have pruned them for this year and potted them up in 7-gallon containers. Stakes and instructions for planting and care are included with the tree. Prices and information about each variety are listed below. Please contact me if you are interested, and we can set up a time when you can come check them out. They are ready to go anytime.
GOLDEN DELICIOUS - A golden apple ripening in September. This is the same variety as the apples we brought to the market last summer. It is a good eating apple, and I have made many an apple pie and some good applesauce from our tree. The fruit is medium to large, and the taste is crisp, clean, juicy, sweet, and mild.
This variety is productive and easy to manage. The trees we have available will get about 16 feet tall, and should be planted 12-15 feet apart. Because they are self-fertile, this would be the variety to choose if you only wanted one tree. $20 each, 1 available

GRANNY SMITH - A green apple with white spots ripening in late September into October. This variety is known as a high-quality eating apple and one of the best cooking apples, making good sauces and juice. In addition, it has a good storage life. The medium-size fruit is described as tart, with a good balance of acids and sugars.
The trees we have available will grow to about 16 feet at maturity, and should be planted 12-15 feet apart. $20 each, 3 available.

These trees will grow 18-20 feet tall and should be spaced 16-18 feet apart. $20 each, 2 available.
ROYAL COURT - This is a red apple ripening in late September into October. It is a
These trees will grow 18-20 feet tall and should be spaced 16-18 feet apart. $20 each, 2 available.