Tuesday, September 25

Sept 25-29

Still have some pumpkins, and some decorative Indian corn available this week. Only a couple more corn shocks available -- we had our corn and cover crops mown down this weekend! It all looks very different now!

I'm picking okra this week for the Morgans, so I'll have plenty. This okra is locally known as "Roy Morgan" okra, after the late Roy Morgan who obtained this seed so long ago that know one knows the variety's true name or origin. It is known for being able to grow large and stay tender, which is great for canning, soups, etc. I also have younger, slimmer pods as well.

1.00/lb - slim Roy Morgan okra
0.75/lb - larger Roy Morgan okra (these aren't the giant

Squashes and Pumpkins
6.00 Jack-O-Lanterns (about 14-18 lbs)
4.00 - white Lumina pumpkins, edible or Jack-O-Lantern (4-10 lbs)
0.75/lb - Butternut Squash
0.75/lb - Kuri Squash

Decorative Corn
5.00 - dried corn stalks, tied together; about 6 ft tall; only have 2 left
3.00 - Indian corn, group of three, tied for hanging

1.75/pint - tomatilloes

1.00 - half-dozen hot peppers: your choice: cayenne, habanero

Wednesday, September 19

Sept 18-21

Hi Folks,
Got about 1.5 inches of slow easy rain last weekend! This week, it's been getting down to about 48 at night -- going nearly straight from almost imbearably hot to rather cool has may make germination a bit tricky for fall crops.

Still have plenty of pumpkins, a few winter squashes, and there is decorative Indian corn available this week. Tomatoes are about done. My lettuce is still growing, and liking the cooler weather a bit! I'll let you know as soon as I've got some ready--it's still too small right now.

Squashes and Pumpkins
5.00 Jack-O-Lantern, edible pumpkins (about 14-18 lbs), some taller, some short and round
4.00 - white Luminous pumpkins, edible or Jack-O-Lantern (4-10 lbs)
0.75/lb - Butternut Squash
0.75/lb - Kuri Squash

Decorative Corn
5.00 - dried corn shocks; these are the stalks tied together, about 6 ft tall, give or take
2.50 - Indian corn, group of three, tied for hanging

1.75/pint - tomatilloes

1.00 - half-dozen sweet banana peppers
1.00 - half-dozen hot peppers

Tuesday, September 11

Sept 11-15

There's nothing like a good rain; unfortunately, we aren't getting any. Even irrigation can't match the magic results of rain. I've been looking back at our weather logs, and it's been another almost 2 weeks since we've had a drop. Still hoping...

Here's what we still have available this week.

Squashes and Pumpkins
5.00 - Charisma Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins (14-18 lbs)
5.00 Jack-O-Lantern, edible pumpkins (about 14-18 lbs), some taller, some short and round

4.00 - white Luminous pumpkins, edible or Jack-O-Lantern (4-10 lbs)
0.50/lb - Butternut Squash
0.50/lb - Kuri Squash

Decorative Corn
5.00 - dried orn shocks

1.50/pint - red cherry tomatoes
1.75/pint - tomatilloes

1.00 - half-dozen sweet banana peppers
1.00 - half-dozen hot peppers

0.75 - Sweet Basil
0.75 - Lemon Basil

Thursday, September 6

Survey for 2008

Ok, folks, it's soon time for me to start planning for next year, so it's time to hear what you guys think. Some things I can guess, but I know there are others I haven't thought of, so I've put together a brief little questionnaire -- if you get a chance to fill it out and send it back to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Can’t promise I can meet everything, but I want to hear what you guys think!!! Please note that you're welcome to respond even if you are new to the site. Feel free to contact me using the info on the left side of the screen.

1. What produce did you want to see more of?

2. What produce did you not see that you would like to see next year? (Feel free to be as specific (e.g. “my grandmother's cucumber variety that was yellow and round”) or as general (e.g. herbs) as you like.

3. Please let me know of any feedback you might have regarding quality, delivery, website suggestions, or any other topic.

Here are some things I am planning for next year (some will be easier than others):
1. Completely organic practices.
2. Tighter rotations and more continued availability of certain items, like sweet corn and lettuce.
3. Continued weekly web postings to keep everyone updated on what’s going on (hopefully I’ll figure out how to add pictures as well).
4. Possible volunteer days, with free produce available in exchange for help in the garden.
5. A few recipes with the less familiar produce.
6. A few more new or less-familiar items. This year’s was lemon cucumbers, tomatillos, and some zucchini and squash varieties.

Tuesday, September 4

Sept 4-8 produce

Greetings! Hope everyone's Labor Day went well!

Pumpkins are here!! My neighbor has some to offer also, the edible types, some that are orange and some that are white; they are really pretty! This is the same neighbor who helped us this year by tilling in our seeds for cover crops and by planting and cultivating our corn with his sweet draft horse, Mert. Mert needs new shoes!

That burst of cooler, wet weather last week let my latest plantings finally germinate! So I'm pretty sure there will be lettuce soon, and several other cooler crops are on their way.

Due to a work schedule change, I won't be able to update the produce listing on Monday mornings. Look for the new posting probably Monday evening or Tuesday mornings (I usually don't meet a Sunday afternoon deadline very well). Feel free to check back anytime, though--as always, you'll know the current week is posted by the date of the last entry.

For those of you in Hendersonville, I've now started going to the new Flat Rock Tailgate Market. This is held on Thursdays, from 4-7 in the parking lot down behind the Hand-in-Hand Gallery, Wrinkled Egg, etc. shopping area. This could be a good pick-up spot.

Hope you have a great week!

Squashes and Pumpkins
5.00 - Charisma Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins (14-18 lbs)
5.00 - Jack-O-Lantern, edible pumpkins (about 14-18 lbs), some taller, some short and round
4.00 - white Luminous pumpkins, edible or Jack-O-Lantern (4-10 lbs)
0.75/lb - Butternut Squash
0.75/lb - Kuri Squash, orange skin and flesh, very smooth, good for pies; see

0.50/lb - green cabbage, about 2-4lbs each

1.50/pint - red cherry tomatoes
1.75/pint - tomatilloes

1.00 - half-dozen sweet banana peppers
1.00 - half-dozen hot peppers

1.00 - Sweet Basil
1.00 - Lemon Basil