Ok, folks, it's soon time for me to start planning for next year, so it's time to hear what you guys think. Some things I can guess, but I know there are others I haven't thought of, so I've put together a brief little questionnaire -- if you get a chance to fill it out and send it back to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Can’t promise I can meet everything, but I want to hear what you guys think!!! Please note that you're welcome to respond even if you are new to the site. Feel free to contact me using the info on the left side of the screen.
1. What produce did you want to see more of?
2. What produce did you not see that you would like to see next year? (Feel free to be as specific (e.g. “my grandmother's cucumber variety that was yellow and round”) or as general (e.g. herbs) as you like.
3. Please let me know of any feedback you might have regarding quality, delivery, website suggestions, or any other topic.
Here are some things I am planning for next year (some will be easier than others):
1. Completely organic practices.
2. Tighter rotations and more continued availability of certain items, like sweet corn and lettuce.
3. Continued weekly web postings to keep everyone updated on what’s going on (hopefully I’ll figure out how to add pictures as well).
4. Possible volunteer days, with free produce available in exchange for help in the garden.
5. A few recipes with the less familiar produce.
6. A few more new or less-familiar items. This year’s was lemon cucumbers, tomatillos, and some zucchini and squash varieties.
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